Baldur's Gate 3 Soul Coins locations and what they do


Soul Coins from Baldur's Gate 3 are mysterious items that you find as you explore and complete quests around the world. This slightly terrifying currency is used in Avernus, the hell-like region you may remember flying through Mindflayer's ship at the beginning of the game. The description also reads that they can power infernal devices, but it's not immediately clear how any of that knowledge can be put to use.

Put aside any ethical qualms you have about buying something with real spirit - those fiends sure know how to party, huh - soul coins are very precious things worth holding on to. Here, I'll explain each Soul Coin location I've found so far, plus what you can actually do with them.


Dank Crypt
There are three Soul Coins in the Dank Crypt area in the Overgrown Ruins, near where the Nautiloid crashed on Ravaged Beach. You can get here by heading east from the Roadside Cliffs waypoint, then you can either head through the main door or shoot the rock hanging in the church entrance and jump through the hole you make. Either way, you'll have to fight off some bandits, but if you go the second way I mentioned, you can fire an explosive barrel through the door that will deal with them all. Now, activate the switch on the wall at the back of the library and head to the Dank Crypt.
You can also head east away from the entrance and block a hatch to get to Dank Crypt right away, but it has a difficulty rating of 20, so this is a no-brainer. Either way, once inside, here's where to find Soul Coins:
The first coin is in the room with the giant coffin at the south end of the Dank Crypt, specifically in the right coffin on the west side of the room. I recommend grabbing this before looting the main coffin, and lighting the fire trap.
The second coin is in a sarcophagus in a side room to the west of the area with the large statue and the Entombed Acolyte.
The third coin is inside Weather's sarcophagus. You will find this hidden in a room behind the large statue, but pressing the button that opens the door will wake the assistants. After being beaten, they wake him up, then ransack his coffin. Make sure to get the Lost Sounds Amulet from the nearby chest as it allows you to do so
You can get the Fourth Soul Coin by saving Nadira from the Bugbear Assassin. Once you enter the Emerald Grove, head east to the top of a small rocky outcrop where you can see Tiefling with a telescope. As you approach, the killer will appear, and the battle will begin. It's not a hard fight and in theory, if you let Nadira die, you should be able to loot Soul Coin from her corpse, or you can pickpocket her. Whatever you choose, if you save it, you can get the coin using trickery or feigning ignorance before putting up persuasion or intimidation.
Lan Tarff, Moonrise Towers

Once you get to Moonrise Towers in Chapter 2, you can get three Soul Coins provided you have Karlach in your collection and talk to Bugbear, Lann Tarv. He will give you the coins on the condition that you listen to three very sad stories about the lives that are in each of them. You can find Lann Tarv in the main hall where you enter, on the left side.

Peartree House, Lower Town

There are two Soul Coins in the basement of Bertree House in Lower City, inside a strongbox. You can't get here until Chapter 3, but you'll want to teleport to the Heapside Strand, walk up a couple of flights of stairs, head straight out into the street, and smash the boards out of the house door. The cellar hatch is hidden under the suitcase on the right. Now, just head to the next room and look behind the door to see the power chest.

Raphael's Treasury, House of Hope

There are five huge Spirit Coins found in Raphael's bedroom safe in the House of Hope in Chapter Three. You'll have to pickpocket the archivist to get a bedroom invitation that will allow you to cross the barrier, then sneak to the left side of the room, avoiding Harlip's line of sight from the bed. Disarm the trapped panel and then press the button below to reveal the safe behind it. Choose the safe lock and you can claim the soul coins.

If you read the description, it mentions that these coins are powered by demon engines, and if you pass the Arcana check when you get a Nadira one, it will be explained that these coins are used as currency in Avernus - basically, the game's Hell region. But Soul Coins have a more immediate purpose.

Once you recruit Karlach near Risen Road, she can consume Soul Coin to power the Infernal Machine within her, granting Infernal Rage even a long rest. This adds 1-4 fire damage to melee attacks when they are raging or have less than 25% health. These coins are very rare, so spend them wisely.

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