5 things you really shouldn't miss in the first five hours of Baldur's Gate 3


 With so much to do when you're just starting out, here are some of the highlights you should make when you first start playing

Baldur's Gate 3 is a big game (and a really good one, at least so far) and getting into it for the first time is exciting and intimidating. With so much to see and do (and kill) (and loot) (etc.) it's hard not to get distracted.

Not that there's nothing wrong with a distraction - but if you set out to boldly seek adventure in faraway locations, you're sure to miss something near by. You might miss something in the game's opening sequence. If you want to make sure you don't miss out on something important - or maybe just something cool and fun - we've pulled together five things you shouldn't miss during the first few hours of diving into Baldur's Gate 3.

Infernal Weapon: Obtain the awesome Flaming Sword before you finish the prologue
The end of the prologue is a race against time to reach the controls of the mind bubble ship and transport it to another location before you are overwhelmed by demons and dragons. Except, as it turns out, you actually have quite a bit of time — and there's a payoff for slowing down a bit.
During the sequence, you will see a large demon leader being held in place by a mind person. You're supposed to leave them like that, but if you help the mind kill him, you can loot his body and get a mighty sword with +d4 fire damage - great for increasing Lae'zel's damage and starting oil puddles in early. It looks badass too.

You do have to be a little careful, though - once the demon is dead, if the mind's eye is still alive, it will turn hostile, and Campion reinforcements will probably catch up to your position. At this point you need to get out of there quickly. A sneaky way is to send a team member ahead so that they are already at the console and ready to go as soon as you have your loot. And no, it's not worth it to keep killing the mind's eye either - I only checked for one gem.

Artful Dude: Add a very useful character to your camp
Where: Dank Crypt, just north of the beach where it crashed
Each side has problems. You might end up hating someone, maybe even yourself. Or maybe someone dies a horribly painful death and it's all your fault. Fortunately, there is a character out there who can help with these issues, and at an affordable price.

Withers is an old corpse who still has plenty of life in him, and he'll be more than happy to spend time in your camp, reviving your fallen comrades for 200 gold or summoning staffs to fill in the gaps in your staff for even the handy. It's also the only one who can also respond to you if you want to switch classes. And he's just a cool, quirky guy to be around in general.

North of the beach where the ship crashed, you'll find Shadowheart trying to enter an ancient ruin. If you can't pick this lock (it's very difficult), there are other entrances nearby. Once inside the Dank Crypt, consider the gas and fire traps that can turn one room into a barbecue pit, and through some heavy oak doors to the north you'll find a room with a statue. Pass the perception check on the side of the statue and you will see a button. Push it (and kill the undead in the room who have come back to life) and you'll find the sarcophagus containing Withers.

After a quick chat, it will rebound and you'll find him stationed at your camp from then on. Don't forget to loot his sarcophagus afterwards. He didn't seem to mind.

Oliver Grift: Bring your own rogue into the cool party
Location: Emerald Grove

It's worth having a rogue character (like Astarion, unless you're playing a custom character) to make a point when you're talking to the kids among the Emerald Grove's impressive refugees. They will, in the artful manner of Dodgers everywhere, try to pull a quick one on you. If you're a rogue, you'll get a host of unique dialogue options as you detect and summon their cheat attempts.

It's a fun spectacle, turning things around for clever kids, and if you play it right, you can befriend these gutter amateurs. They really just need someone to step in and play a parental role. Instead, they will get you.

Horn of War Lomb: Your Ghoul Strike Squad
Location: near the back of the affected village

As we've learned, there are often ways to get around some of the more difficult battles in Baldur's Gate 3, but for anyone you just can't get out of, you'll be glad to have Lump's War Horn in your back pocket. In the goblin-controlled village of Blighted, visit the three ghouls hanging out in a house near the back. With the correct skill checks, Lump the Enlightened will agree to give you a war horn which, upon hearing it, he and his friends will call to fight alongside you. They're three level four ghouls with about 60 health each, so they're no joke. The catch is that they will kill everything around them. They will go to great lengths to spare your party, but they will do their best to keep your allies and innocents out of the crossfire.

Start by convincing Lump not to eat you by taking a mild cheat test. Concluding the deal of the century is more difficult. I was able to experience the DC 20 roll in either persuasion or intimidation. You can also take the easier cheat DC 10 roll to offer Lump 1,000 Gold to fight for you, but that's not a hook I wanted to put myself on.

Check Kagha: This means that the priest is not fit for use
Location: Emerald Grove

When I first got to The Grove and got my bearings, I knew all I had to do was find the Halsin archdruid to end Kagha's Reign of Terror #2, but there's actually a lot more to it than that. The Kagha does some shady dealings under the table, and I'm willing to bet you need to finish this quest to get the happiest ending possible for the vicarage.

It's well hidden, but there's a secret chest in the Silvanus Grove staff quarters off the main entrance where you first meet Kagha. In it you will find secret correspondence and an important sign for the investigation of the temporary archdruid. I'll avoid spoiling too much about what happens, but I will say that when you get to the quest marker in the swamp, burn the glowing green brambles next to the tree if you're having trouble seeing your target.

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